Tuesday 24 June 2008

Thoughts of an NPC VII

Yesterday the weather was very humid, the mosquitoes were biting and unfortunately it was a poor day for our bridge.

After an indifferent start against Portugal the team came back well to win 18-12.In the afternoon match we were on Rama against Germany- the match was level after 8 boards but on the ninth the Germans had a bidding misunderstanding and reached 7S missing a cashable ace. The rest of the room were in 4S+1. We failed to find the lead and two finesses later Germany recorded +2210, minus 17 imps instead of plus 13! After that the Germans played well and finished up winning 23-7.

Playing against Denmark in the evening match we could do nothing right-opening leads cost a slam and a game, we went off in a game we could have made (made at the other table) and failed to bid two other games. We lost 24-6, not our day but we are still in the top six and tomorrow (Norway and France) is another day.

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