Monday, 8 February 2010

Blog In Japan

To tell the truth Blog is from somewhere considerably less exotic than Japan, but a few of our leading players are in Yokohama for the 15th NEC Bridge Festival. Here's the link:

Our official representatives are England Ladies, Olympiad (or whatever) champions Heather Dhondy and Nevena Senior:

and newly recruited (for the Europeans in Ostend) Fiona Brown and Susan Stockdale:

Then we have Kendrick. Unimaginative teamname, highly imaginative players. David Kendrick from Royston partners Brian Senior from Nottingham. We all know that Brian on a going day can play like a magician. David also has a few ideas about the game, the pairing is very effective when these don't interfere with Brian's spells. Last time out they reached the final of the Reisinger in San Diego. Their team-mates are Jon Cooke and Martin Garvey. These two have spent many hours developing their complex strong club system. Another high variance pair, they were on last year's winning EBU Camrose squad. On one of their going days Cooke-Garvey can dismantle any opposition. On a not-so-going day for this team you can look up the scores on the back of the bidding cards.

Two of the strongest of many Davids in English bridge, Gold and Bakhshi

play on team CANUKUSA (pass the sickbag) with North Americans John Carruthers and Howard Weinstein. This team are a banker to make the knockout stages.

It's all on BBO, here's the schedule:

Good luck to you all!